The winter holidays are once again upon us. The time has come to spend some time away from work and school and to enjoy family. While filled with excitement and joy, the holidays are stressful for many people. Whether you are planning to spend you holidays at home or away, here are some simple reminders to ensure a truly happy holiday season for your family.
1: Maintain Your Routine
Everyone, children and adults alike, benefit from routine. When our days are somewhat predictable, we are better equipped to manage stress and make better, healthie, decisions. While there are bound to be some changes in your child’s schedule due to time off from school and travel plans, it can be beneficial to you and your child to maintain as much of your regular routine as possible. Adequate sleep and exercise and a healthy diet will help you and your child to feel your best.
2: Enjoy Quality Time
With all the pressure to satisfy your children’s wish lists, it can be easy to forget to schedule quality time with your children. Don’t forget that valuable time with you is what will create lasting memories of the holidays for your children. Years down the road, you child is much more likely to remember special activities done together and the feelings they felt while doing them than gifts they received. If you do not have any holiday rituals, this is the year to create some. Invite your child to come up with enjoyable ways to spend your time together.
3: Take A Break
This time of year is very busy for many people, leading to overbooked schedules and stress. Make sure to schedule time off so that you and your kids can enjoy yourselves and relax, even if it means declining invitations to holiday parties thrown by loved ones.
Happy Holidays to you and your families!