Psychotherapy for Children, Teenagers, Young Adults & Families

You’re looking for support for yourself or a family member and you’ve come to the right place. There is nothing more important than the well being of those you love. You’ve probably tried a number of things to help but nothing has worked enough. You deserve the very best care and most harmonious family relationships.

You can tell whether your child is struggling whether they say so or not. They might tell you everything or nothing at all – but they’re not the happy, carefree child they used to be.

You’ll do anything to make things better. So will I. Let’s talk next steps!

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The transition from childhood to young adulthood can be stressful even in the best circumstances. The support of therapy during this critical period can make it easier to navigate the many developmental tasks facing your child and can mitigate the long term impacts of stressful life events. If your child is dealing with any of the following, therapy is a great next step:

  • anxiety,
  • depression,
  • strained family relationships,
  • friendship challenges,
  • difficulty in dating experiences,
  • trauma,
  • identity confusion,
  • disordered eating,
  • general withdrawal,
  • and just not feeling like themselves.

Even though you know that gradually pulling away from parents is developmentally appropriate as a child grows older, therapy offers you the comfort of knowing they’re getting guidance from a trusted adult. In fact, many parents contact me not because their child is in crisis, but so they have one additional support in their lives to help them thrive during their foundational years.

Getting support can only help. It’s helpful to have a place to step away from everything and look inward. There is no such thing as too much support and guidance and we know that the more children have the better they fare. Your child deserves as much support and guidance as they need to thrive. That’s what I want to help them do: thrive.

I work with children, adolescents, young adults and families with problems of all sorts, little and big. I believe solutions and healing often aren’t as far off as they might seem.

If you’re looking for support for yourself or your child I’d be honored to help. Let’s talk!

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Meet Dr. Arieta

I hope this website is helpful for you to learn about me and the psychological services I provide. If you would like more information please contact me. I look forward to speaking with you. 

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