*Telehealth Appointments Now Available*
There is nothing more important to you than the well-being of your family. When one person in the family is struggling the whole family is effected. I work with families to determine exactly where the problems exist and who will need to be involved in the treatment.
Here are some of the most common reasons why families present for therapy:
- Arguing & Difficulty Getting Along with Each Other
- Disconnection
- Helping Parents Facilitate Growth & Independence for their Adolescents
- Helping with Parenting Skills
- Post Partum Relationship Changes
- Couples’ Relationship Difficulties
- Trauma
I use a variety of different approaches in my work including the following:
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
- Acceptance and Commitment Therapy
- Family Systems Therapy
- Relational Therapy
I want your family to thrive and live in harmony. If you’re ready to get support for your family please call me. I’d be honored to help.