Adolescent & Teenager Psychotherapy Blog

In Defense of Listening

In defense of listening? Who would doubt that listening is an important, even powerful tool? Nobody reading this - that is certain. However, we all (myself included) can forget just how profound it is to feel heard and how healing this can be for relationships. When we truly listen we are giving another person validation, attention, and acceptance. There is...[ read more ]

My Top 2 Tips for Talking with your Teenager

Keeping lines of communication open between parents and teenagers isn't always easy. I work with parents who are devoted to maintaining strong ties with their adolescents. If you have a teenager that tells you everything, or even one that tells you a lot, you may be doing these things already. The truth is that any parent can improve communication with...[ read more ]

America The Beautiful 2 – Coming To San Francisco This Month I'm looking forward to seeing this new documentary on America's obsessions with beauty and thinness.

Keeping Your Family Happy Over The Holidays

The winter holidays are once again upon us. The time has come to spend some time away from work and school and to enjoy family. While filled with excitement and joy, the holidays are stressful for many people. Whether you are planning to spend you holidays at home or away, here are some simple reminders to ensure a truly happy...[ read more ]

Destigmatizing Therapy

Eric Freeman of "Early Termination Option" ( provided an interesting perspective on a famous basketball player involved in advocating for mental health awareness.  Regardless of this particular player's history of behavior, it is refreshing to see someone in the public limelight take a stand with regard to an issue that is often subject to social stigma.  (It is particularly heartening...[ read more ]

Back To School Tips

Another Summer has come and gone and your kids are starting school again (or are about to). The beginning of the school year is a fresh start and a great opportunity to establish good habits. In talking with parents about the stress associated with the beginning of the school year, I have accumulated some tips that I think might make...[ read more ]

Some of the Many Benefits of Nature

In recent years a lot has been published on the beneficial impact of playing in nature on children's emotional and psychological well-being. In the most recent issue of The California Psychologist, psychologist Dr. Gomes reviews this research and makes valuable suggestions for therapists and parents on how to reap the benefits of the outdoors. In a study done on children...[ read more ]

The Impact of Technology on Social Relationships

As a psychologist interested in social relationships, I have long wondered about the impact of social media and technology on the quality of human interactions. I have spoken with many parents who voiced concerns that the entirety of their teenager's social interactions happen via text messaging or social media networking. These parents worried their children might not be developing the...[ read more ]

Children of Lesbian Mothers Fare Quite Well

Researchers Nanette Gartrell and Henry Bos published a study in the journal Pediatrics which has gotten a lot of attention recently. Their study is the longest longitudinal study of children raised by lesbian parents. The study followed the children for 25 years, during which they and their mothers provided information about their development and psychological functioning. The subjects of the study...[ read more ]

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(415) 234-3774

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